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Sunday, April 11, 2010
Open your eyes - Vol 1. /11:13 PM

I thought that handling pain and suppressing my emotions was good.....

Until I realised it just makes me less human.

Sunday, March 21, 2010
IRFAN /9:44 AM

Erm.. Hi? ^^

Ohkay... Evrytime when I have nth to post ,I'll think of Elisha , then her telling me to just splurt out evrything tht is currently on my mind..

Hmm....Nth much...

Lately, I've been thinking, and I feel like I've some problems with personality.Mayb, I'm losing myself... The me who have made friends with you guys.>

Yeapp, err, ohkay, just in case Ive become a very different person next time, I would like to remind myself of this guy rite here posting this post when I re-view my old posts next time.

So , yeah Im Irfan. Guess you alr know tht >,< .. I am a douche bag? Some kind of a jerk. According to some. According to me, I am...very lazy....irresponsible..Hmm, althou some of my dumbo friends said I need anger management, but acually, when I appear angry, I'm TOTALLY not! When I'm angry, I dont show it. Simple concept, get it? Erm , ohkay, I.... like to play soccer, badminton, cycle around the island (speakin of which, I wanna cycle at Pulau Ubin soon,planning with Simon...any more wanna join?^^) , I like the Arts, so yah Im tht kinda person, I oso like to draw random and abstract stuff, mostly pencil sketch... , I like to go bowling for sure, its fun... ^^ Thts the likes...Hmm dislikes.... I acually frown upon ppl when i hear tht they look down or judge other ppl instantly on 1st impression. Well, don't get me wrong. It's okay if its just the normal " He looks untidy in tht.." but not when they sound like complete foolish ppl when they say "I dont like tht ass, he's so arrogant" - when you just hear him talk for like 1 or 2mins? Get to know ppl better, thts a better suggestion frm me. Hmm..nxt up, I dont like me being an outdoor person too much, Im gettin darker and darker by the moment... >,<>

So now....Sarah, your awesome name finally appear izzit?
Btw, thanks for the honest opinions. And sorry that you felt that things are very different now and that you missed me, the me who helpd you thru the rough seas of the journey.But I'm not sure if you can have that person bck, coz i dont even noe what was I like.. Damn, what happened, did I faint and wake up 2 years later a whole diffrnt person? :S

Next up is Qamarul, even though I noe you'd probly wont even see this unless someone tells you to, that's how far apart we are now. I just wantd to let you know that I appreciated those times we spent, younnoe, playin street soccer at SinMing for hours, cycling arnd the area, playin games at the LAN shops.. (oh btw, thanks again,for the times you blanja-d me, i havent forgotten). However, I'd like to apologise if you felt the slightest hurt when I changed class at the start of the year and if like you said, I'm not quite the person you used to know.

Nisa,sorry for the inconsistency in me in our friendship.Oh yah, also, for all the times that whtever I said sounds very hurtful. But, throughout all the years being friends, I find you very approachable.and kind. yah. But..I don't wanna seem to be the person who only come to you when I need serious help. Like I said, wht an idiot, I am.

Basyir? Stop being horny.

Well, so ,all that said, I wanna know, to all you wonderful ppl out thre, doesnt matter who you are, as long as you've read this you're awesome and wonderful, who is this person called Irfan to you? Who do you recognise me as? What makes me, me? Wow, acually this suits better as a vlog.
But yeah, feel free to respond , anywhre, a short msg on the tagboard, very-standard (email), shoot on msn..., drop a msg, voice me in, say it to my face..any way you want it.
Yeah so my number is : **** ****
Email is -> ifyoudontknow_justask@toknow.com

And lastly, Ive gotta thank Elisha, this post would've been 5 lines long, but because of you, it's a freakin essay. Oh yah, sorry if I'm owaes irritating/annoying you in Hist/SS class ^^ Oh yah, study hard for comb. humans lah!

Ohkayy and lastly....Fine , just now wasnt lastly, now then lastly... err, thanks to all the peoppplee who have irfuriated the tagboard ^^ you'll get the tags bck xp


Wht? It's the end, stop reading, and start tagging ^^

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
At a loss of words. /9:32 PM

Like the title said, Ive got nothing to say...

Ohkayy...lets start.

Hmmm......I will..do as what elisha told me to..Just type random stuff
that comes in my mind.

Speaking of her, dayyymn, Im still the horny one huh ? O.o
I nver horny alr rite, I pay my fullest attention in hist/ss class alreadyyy

Ohkay talking abt the sitting arrangement in class, Its been almost 2 full months since
I sat beside Yvonne. Hmm...sucha great person to sit with.
BTW, SHE suggested the "Lets play a game" in physics class -.-
Then she also owaes singsingsing >.<>
So, even after going through 2 changes of sitting arrangement, I'm still beside Yvonne.
The only difference is now we're sitting in threes.And Basyir's the newcomer sitting
on the left of Yvonne. He made our crappiness even worse, yawn here and thre,
swear here and thre, make disgusting remarks ...

"Alamak this teacher....I pinch her nipples, I tell you..!".
" Eyh, I stuff your head inside _____' ass then you noe..."

Eyh Basyir, I made special mention to my revival post, so you dont sukesuke view
my blog then nver tag. If you dont tag, I tell you , you watch out...in school....Hmm
lets pick a day...err, yah saturday shd be okay. You noe lah wht i'll do to you xD
Its the BROcode.

Ohya, even after the change in sitting arrangement, Murni still sits infront of me, sorta.
The good thing this time is...... She's more disciplined , doesnt laugh at my stupidity>.<
Maintain arh Murni.

Hmm...got nth much to say...again. something random....random...stupid...

"Ive got bad news and bad news! Which one do you guys wanna hear 1st?"

"Ohkay the bad news is Ive got nothing to say. The bad news is tht mean I'll be ending my post soon"
Ahahahahahahahaha xD........ahaha...ahaha...ah..ha...ha...err...

L.A.M.E sia Irfan. Nothing to say then dont say lah.

Hmm...suddenly I was thinking about sandeep talking to Basyir..Random siol

"Basyir...Rule NUMBER ONE. NEVER, never make your girlfriend angry."

When I heard that at that point of time, my brain suddenly flashed on some unorthodox
quotes/sayings.. and one of it was like saying when ur gf is angry, that's good.
But the only way its gonna be good is that you better DAMN win back her heart each time.
and then after tht,their r-shionship will get stronger or whtever stuff..
With all these, it serves as the gurantor that she's yours or smth.

And here, I'm thinking, Is it worth all those pain and anger and those negative emotions??

Lol my sister told me abt the suite life on deck episode tht she watchd..

"Just tell those 3 words that every girl would wanna hear you say.
was wrong. "

So....the girls would never take the blame and fault i see....

Hmm...nth to say alr lah...
Go watch match betterr~~

So thre you have it, a revival post by NafrIrfaN the Ziqq .
So with that, I declare my blog Haziqally Irfuriated.

Satisfied?, Those ppl who've been pushing me to post?
Leave a tag, will ya? So tht you guys Irfuriate my tagboard as well?
Thank you for your time , and my time wasted.
Nah, I had nothing to do anw..

Ohyah, just like o' times, for those who might not apprehend some words in my post....
Urh, nvm,Im not gonna tell, go search up the dictionary >.<

Saturday, January 30, 2010
SecThree /5:09 PM

Heyyy... Sec3 mcm gerek arh.

sec3 is kinda exciting,but also much more tiring.

Im so slow in posting abt Sec3. Other ppl posted abt their opinions on sec3

in the 1st wk of sch. So....blog revived. But still as dull as ever. Bye.

Monday, January 11, 2010
Heyyy /10:11 PM

Ill Nino sounds awesome and better live.

Monday, December 21, 2009
6peaceGathering:D /11:15 PM

Today was shiok, fun, exciting, ..okay just throw in all the positive words uve got.

So met up with arafat n faiq at 10am.
Halfway walk to bus-stop, then patah balek rumah,
rmbrd my xtra clothes, got 1 for arafat tooo.

Walkd to the bus-stop opp masjid, skali takder 167 -.-
Then walked to the bus stop near the chong pang camp thre.
Took 167 to Sembawang interchange.

Reachd thre, go ntuc met siyu,ht,shirlyn,zheng yu n hui min.
Lol see i so good can rmbr their names.... correct spelling oso rite? ^^
Pay up, help them carry the stuff.

Reachd semb park, then playd soccer, then after a while,started to rain.
Toot, just reachd then rain heavily+ strong winds oso -.-
luckily it didnt last long.
Resumed playing soccer then go bbq.
For the 1st time, ALL THE FOOD WAS FINISHD!
And credits to dylan for cooking most of it : )

I lay face down on the sand, then dono who started it,
ppl started burying me with sand. =.= walao eyhhh. but nvm, it was fun ^^
So then got rid of the sand in the seawater, play heading with my soccer ball
in the sea too.
Showered, then went to sun plaza. Ok this is whre I got ditched.
After reachd sun plaza, we decided to eat dinner at northpoint instead.
So the rest all go over to the mrt platform.
I wait for Ramesh to decide whether to take train or not.
Coz if he takes the train, he'll have no $$$ for dinner.
So I folo him take bus 859 to yishun.
CCB the bus took a Fckd UP route, rounded the whole f-ing Sembawang
b4 turning into yishun -.-
PLUS both ramesh and I, our fone battery all dead!
Cannot call or sms the rest at all!
So dono whre r they, tried finding, then we go eat ourselves.
Busd home, jhan ric dropped by my wet clothes at my doorstep -.-''
Thx anws.

Hope i nver get food poisoning tonite or tmr bcoz of the bbq :S
Lol then this sat must go semb.park again, npcc gathering x_x

Tmr play soccer, if got time go gym n swimm ^^ .

Sunday, December 20, 2009
/11:01 PM


Im finally back from..whts tht thing again..

mm...the thing tht made me cant walk and so tired..

OH YAH...It's NCO Camp 09.....

See so dreadful till i forgot it.

just kidding.

Kk serious, im all overcame with fatigue and my quadriceps are aching
like crap. But i guess i learnt alot of things thre...
And the only thing i miss is being together with my squadmates and
bunkmates, going through the camp together.

Not gonna elaborate much, gotta lights out soon. Only difference is Imma
sleep on my BED rather than 3 tables put together.

The only hilarious thing tht i rmbrd was during day2 dinner.
safwanah, safwanah.....

situation : having dinner, 4 ppl (hari,erliana, me , saf) having discussion.
Hari.me n erliana are in the tent pitching lesson group.

Me : So saf, how's today, tent pitching boring rite?

Saf : acually today okay arh, oni tent pitching is boring.


I see , i see, the lesson which i prepared for nights and so many drafts,
was boring, meaning , I cant teach the sec1s or 2s, coz im boring. :'(
nvm,nvm....constructive feedback....

So tmr going 6peace gathering at semb. park,or beach, or wadever.
Oh damn,Hope i can walk properly by then.
See you guys tmr :)

( I believe I dont have to say y the words in blue are, in blue ^_*)


So This is Irfan.I'm Irfan.My name's Irfan.You can call me Irfan.Althou my friends call me Irfan.Alternatively if you don't like it, call me Irfan. In other words,face it,you've got no other choice, IRFAN's the name.


|Aide the 'thing hater'|

September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010

Designer: KURRENT:)
Image: The Young Man and the Sea
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