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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
still up /3:56 AM

Hahaz lolz....

I noe I juz posted, but now I'm bored because my sister just slept.

We were playing comp games and talking until 4am...

I don't intent to sleep though..

At 6am I'll go bathe later maybe..

I heard a man can go without sleep for 3 days..

wonder if I'll do that.Don't know what to do.

Don't wanna sleep...Bored


I'll just go youtube again....

dead /12:45 AM

Haha,hello guys.

Since like forever since I posted huh?

Keep telling myself everyday that I'm going to post..

but at the end of the day,it's not gonna happen.

Same goes for homework..Lolz..

Anyways I've been Smallville-ing all day..

since saturday?

Because my dad got a mio box just for a internet modem plan..

theres a season pass for smallville Season 8.We get to watch it 24hrs after

its U.S telecast.I acually watched Season 6 on tv a year ago but stopped.

Now I'm youtubing it from season 1. Currently at episode 17 of episode 1.

And each episode is about 1h.And I watch 5-7 episodes a day. So,yeah,

you do the math, how long I use the comp daily..

Stopped Audi-ing already..

Now currently using the laptop on my bed.Its about 1am now..

And waiting for episode 86 of Naruto Shippuden is damned long.

Dec 3/4 then coming out.Maybe I should start watching bleach again.Stopped

watching at about episode 160-/+..

So far this 3 years i have watched:-

1)Gundam Seed
2)Gundam Seed Destiny
4)Naruto and its movies
5)Naruto Shippuden

And some I forgot because I only watched a couple of

episodes of them..too boring i guess.

I only watch anime that are japanese and subbed english.

I hate it when its in english.

The voices don't match the people..

The tone is kinda funny...

and more.

And recommend me some good anime.

And by good I mean fantastic.

Friday, November 21, 2008
/9:14 AM

Hi guys, Just updating stuff.. Very lazy to post lah.

And this currently is my 50th post.hahasz.I made this blog

about 2 weeks before EOY. Currently being active with audi

and CS lolx.I was too bored I think.And I'm also learning Stop

N stare on the zebra.lolx.Bye,Off to my CS.

Sunday, November 16, 2008
The answers!! (Finally?) /5:38 PM

Ok guys you want them without thinking?? Haizz...

What are happening to kids these days..

Lolx jkjk,so here are the answers.

The first one is nothing. (obviously..)

The second answer is a matchstick.(DURHH)

Lol now it seems not so easy,doesn't it?

So lazy to post now..maybe at night later or tomorrow..

Friday, November 14, 2008
As for today..................... /8:23 PM

So today we had our 3rd class drill badge!Yay!At long last!No more

trainings this year.
I'm quite confident to pass though.And I really

hope I don't get a phone call from
any NCO in the 3rd week of this

month.Because that means bad news.It will mean
that I failed and

need to come again for a retest.There won't be a reretest or a

though.Time passed by very fast during the test.

And also this NCO,Ernest Sir,he called me
like 'Ifran' instead of

'Irfan'.Minus the 'f' become Iran already .But never mind,I'm used to

it.Almost everyone don't call me properly.Some call 'Erfan' ,some 'Ifan',some PURPOSELY

call 'Earfun'.So after the test,I thought we were gonna slack or go

home.But no,we tried
something new.We now have to train baton

drills.It was fun,despite the way we have to
hold it in knock it down

position.So just then.I looked through a couple of jokes and they're

either sick or not funny.Funny how nowadays clean jokes are

rare.Even if they're clean,
they're either blonde jokes or racist jokes.So

I think I'm gonna post some riddles.Try to crack

it,smarties.So here comes riddle number #1.

What is greater than God,
More evil than the devil?
The poor have it,
The rich need it,
And if you eat it, you die?

One day a father went to his three sons and told them that he would die soon and he needed to decide which one of them to give his property to. He decided to give them all a test. He said "Go to the market my sons and purchase something that is large enough to fill my bedroom, but small enough to fit in your pocket.From this I will decide who of you is the wisest and worthy enough to inherit my land." So they all went to the market and bought something that they thought would fill the room, yet was still small enough that they could fit into their pockets. Each son came back with a different item. The father told his sons to come into his bedroom one at a time and try to fill up his bedroom with whatever they had purchased. The first son came in and put some peices of cloth that he had bought and layed them end to end across the room, but it bearly covered any of the floor. Then the second son came in and layed some hay, that he had purchased, on the floor but there was only enough to cover half of the floor. The third son came in and showed his father what he had purchased and how it could fill the entire room yet still fit into his pocket. The father replied "You are truly the wisest of all and you shall recieve my property." What was it that the son had showed to his father?

If you really really really really don't know the answers ,you can ask

me. Remember,only
If you really really really really don't know.

And I also learnt two words that have meanings and can be used but

not in the dictionary.
They are 'Goan' and 'Smee'. I found them through


Thursday, November 13, 2008
At long last.Some hope. :D /9:04 PM

So one of my friends suggested to put jokes on my blog.

And I've got this funny one.Its kinda sick.So if you don't want to read

sick jokes,please don't read it.The title is "Baby photographer".If you don't

get it,USE THE DICTIONARY.The lady is kinda despo and really stupid.

The Smiths had no children and decided to use a proxy father to start their family. On the day the proxy father was to arrive, Mr.Smith kissed his wife and said, "I'm off. The man should be here soon."

Half an hour later, just by chance, a door-to-door baby photographer rang the doorbell, hoping to make a sale. "Good morning madam. You don't know me but I've come to...."

"Oh, no need to explain. I've been expecting you," Mrs. Smith cut in.

"Really?" the photographer asked. "Well, good! I've made a specialty of babies."

"That's what my husband and I had hoped. Please come in and have a seat. Just where do we start?" asked Mrs. Smith, blushing.

"Leave everything to me. I usually try two in the bathtub, one on the couch and perhaps a couple on the bed. Sometimes the living room floor is fun too; you can really spread out."

"Bathtub, living room floor? No wonder it didn't work for Harry and me."

"Well, madam, none of us can guarantee a good one every time. But if we try several different positions and I shoot from six or seven angles, I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results."

"I hope we can get this over with quickly," gasped Mrs. Smith.

"Madam, in my line of work, a man must take his time. I'd love to be in and out in five minutes, but you'd be disappointed with that, I'm sure."

"Don't I know!!" Mrs. Smith exclaimed.

The photographer opened his briefcase and pulled out a portfolio of his baby pictures. "This was done on the top of a bus in downtown London."

"Oh my god!!" Mrs. Smith exclaimed, tugging at her handkerchief.

"And these twins turned out exceptionally well when you consider their mother was so difficult to work with." The photographer handed Mrs. Smith the picture.

"She was difficult ?" asked Mrs. Smith.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. I finally had to take her to Hyde Park to get the job done right. People were crowding around four and five deep, pushing to get a good look."

"Four and five deep?" asked Mrs. Smith, eyes widened in amazement.

"Yes", the photographer said. "And for more than three hours too. The mother was constantly squealing and yelling. I could hardly concentrate. Then darkness approached and I began to rush my shots. Finally, when the squirrels began nibbling on my equipment, I just packed it all in."

Mrs. Smith leaned forward. "You mean they actually chewed on your, eh......equipment?"

"That's right. Well madam, if you're ready, I'll set up my tripod so that we can get to work."

"Tripod??", Mrs. Smith looked extremely worried now.

"Oh yes, I have to use a tripod to rest my Canon on. It's much too big for me to hold while I'm getting ready for action. Madam? Madam?..... Good Lord, she's fainted!!"

Welcome to My life......of boredom.... /8:47 PM

Hello.Its me again.And I'm bored again.So please don't make me give
up blogging.Do something.Suggest something.Please.That's all I have to say.

Hello. /10:34 AM


Hello. /10:34 AM


Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My story for today. /7:04 AM

Been very very very to post nowamonths.lolx yea not nowadays.

So yeah,today...................

Wah yesterday I was so tired I dozed off at like 9PM!!!!

Then woke up at 4am!I thought already 6AM+,but strangely

the sun was not up yet.So I checked my phone it said "4.02a.m'

"AHHH!!!!!" Seriously I didn't know what to do.Cannot sleep again

so I just listen to music until about 5Am.Then I went to the living hall

and watched TV.Watching TV with the sound soo low SUCKS.I HATE IT.

But,I've got nothing better to do then.Want to use comp also my bro sleeping there.

Then now he woke up already,that's why I'm posting.

So,starting from today,I'm gonna practice for my 3rd class Drill Badge test

and my lance corporal test.I still need to ask someone to teach me to report.

Cuz I've never been an IC this year.And I've already memorized the NPCC

pledge. Those Sec 1 cadets who don't know ,it goes like this:

"We,the members of the National Police Cadet Corps,do here and now,
solemnly and sincerely pledge that:
We will always bear true faith and allegience to the President
and our republic of Singapore.
We will always be loyal and true to our country,our people
and the government.
We will always be prepared to serve our country and the community.
We will always preserve the peace and uphold the law.

So that was it.It's not very hard to memorize.I got it in my head in about 3 minutes.

So ,good luck NPCC Sec1 cadets of Ytss.This friday will be the last day we go

to school until 29December for our total defence bronze badge.Like Ms Lim Mam

said,no one had ever failed that test,so DON'T MAKE HISTORY.

/7:04 AM

Friday, November 7, 2008
Revive /2:19 PM

Take a look around don't you see it

See that you are the only malay in the room

No one here has a clue what you're feeling

My hands are up now everybody's moving

Misery's looking for me

Thursday, November 6, 2008
I REALLY CAN be stupid at times. /1:30 PM


I was so stupid I didn't save the links when I changed the skin!!!

So,people,I'm going to go to lunch.

Please drop your url at the tagbox.

Yours Sadly

use mozilla!!!! /12:46 PM

Okay Earthlings,thanks to my very-insulting-and-loves-to-spam friend,

I found out the very reason why I can see my tagbox even when I'm

using my sister's computer is because we both use Mozilla Firefox.

Yeah,and it rocks..trust me.So those of you who have been complaining

that your internet is too blind to see my tagbox and all the 'about me'

section,you're most probably using the not-so-good Internet Explorer,

no matter how latest edition you're using,I still don't like it.And yes,

the bolded words are the words that I have deleted and rephrased until

it doesn't sound very nasty.So yeah,think of the possibilities there.

No offence people.But still,I am going to continue to fix my cbox,for those

"Internet explorer Users".I mean,I am a good person,for me to put myself

in others' stinky shoes.WHY would I be so bad that everyone had to switch

to Firefox just to see my tagbox,my 'about me'section,my links,right?It's

better if I do something about it right?But,sadly,I don't know what to do.

But please,please use Mozilla Firefox,not only for the sake of seeing the

whole of my blog,but also to do all your own stuff,comfortably.

And a shout-out to all the Yps peeps, please try to attend the farewell YPS

dinner on 15th November.Only $30 for an 8 course dinner,not bad eh?

And photos of the past will be shown,and I'm sure alot of photos are of

our batch,because we rule.So please,try to come because its farewell to YPS,

even if you dislike it.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Okay guys,no paper for today and yesterday.YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?!?!

ITS BECAUSE........:'(






I'm just disappointed okay,not that I'm so angry that I have

to use capital letters.

Nah,I know your problems,or rather,MY problem.

It's just my blog have gone crazy and dont like me anymore.

I didn't do anything......WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!!
(cuts myself with comb...)
I'm sorry...I know I'm talking to myself..

I'm currently trying to fix it..

But,I don't know how.

So,if you nice people out there have a suggestion,

please,I beg you,please tag at my tagbox.

Because only you can help fix my tagbox.

You are the heroes and heroines.

Hey,speaking of which,Heroes season3 coming tomorrow.

So,again,please tag me to suggest how to fix my tagbox.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you

Fuck you.


I still need to brag on something.

You know,I could be really dumb at times,

although people call me smart,which I don't think I am.

Becauese I think they call me smart because THEY'RE SMARTER





(jumps down the bed.)

Okay,back to my point...

Where did I stop?

Oh,just a second,I need to scroll up a little to find out.

Okay,I could really be dumb at times.

You know,the other day,my friends' bike,the tyre burst,

or ,exploded or 'no air'

No Air,No Air,No Aiiirrrrrr

Yeah,thats right,Tidak ada air.

Water shortage.

Okay,lame stupid stuff.

And,Where was I??

Yeah,I can be really dumb sometimes,

my friend's tyre burst,like I said, and I told him,

"Hey,cycle to the nearest bike shop,thats about 3km away."

Pretty stupid,huh?



Am I not correct?

I mean,probably the whole time I was telling how

dumb I could be,you guys reading this were saying




'the point?'

'When is this gonna end?"

Okay,it ends tonight.

Oh yeah,speaking of which,Im still working on the song

the 2nd part,you know,when he sings,

"A fallen star"

"Least I fall alone"

That part is a little tricky ,I suppose.

Okay,I am not gonna keep you guys back,

you can go shut down your computer,

change website,

go to bed,

play your online games,

watch your #!@$,

okay bye! =D

Ohh wait,I can sense your feelings now.

You dont want this to end,


You know,when you watch these movies or

read these books that are so interesting but

suddenly they come into an abrupt end?

I know.

So,I am not gonna spoil your feelings

and prevent that from happening.

So,let's see..

Oh yah,please support my new blogging scheme

by sending in and contributing your letters.

And please,make it formal.Okay,thanks that's great.

Okay,you know what,I am really going to stop here

because I am so so sleepy already and it's going to

be 12am.And I know,you hate me bragging like this too.

So now,goodbye.

Yours finally,seriously


lol /5:16 PM



Monday, November 3, 2008
Paper Launh /1:03 PM


The Big Walk 2008 on 2nd November.

After a 2-year long drought and M.I.A,the Big Walk was back

by popular demand.
For those readers who do not read TNP(The New Paper),

it is a well-known
event that is organised by TNP.The event started in

year 1991.In the year 2000,77,500
people participated in the event and

earned itself a place in the Guiness World Record.
This year,the event

was sponsored by NTUC Fairprice and registration was free so

people were
excited to sign up early.The number of participants

were also limited to 20,000.TIP journalist
Nafriqiz signed up to

discover the event. The starting point was at Suntec City Mall and

the finish
ine was at the newly opened Marina Barrage. When Nafriqiz

went there,the weather was good.The
sun was up,but it was not scorching-hot.

There was different types of terrain along the route,not the

usual 'walk-on-the-highway-throughout' kind.Some participants

dressed up extremely to try their
luck in the fancy-dress contest.

There was also a whole family of Liverpool fans(which I don't like.lolx

XD) wearing jerseys,carrying banners and singing songs.

Throughout the walk,our TIP reader could
overhear words in repetition

such as 'The Big Joke?' , 'The Big Q'.Somehow,they seem true.

Everyone did not walk alll together. Some chose alternative routes

such as short-cuts.It resulted in
a bottleneck at a point where the

Big-walkers had to walk across the river on a narrow bridge.

Although the participants were limited to 20,00 , the queue for

goodie bags and free shuttle bus
service was surprisingly long,

and by it I mean extremely long.This could be due to the lack of

manpower compared to previous years.As a whole,the event was

a good experience for TIP
journalist Nafriqiz.

Reader's Section.

Reader IHaNaQ
IT specialist.
rainbowismagic@hotmail.com(fake!Just for display)

I refer to the article 'ERTINYA CINTA'.I would first like to applaud the writer for a good

try.However,there were some points that proved too fatal and damaging for the whole issue to

come true.Comes with the first sentence was 'love' +'teenagers'+'crush'+'infatuation' providing the

linkage and introduction.What the writer failed to stress on was teenagers' love for who?The issue

was straight to point of BGR and was unfortunately unlikely to the other writer,Hazel(names not used

to protect identity)who expresses the issue as a round-up,as a whole.This is maybe the problem

with modern-time teenagers.Oh,cut out those maturity talks.Adjust your mind to the right one.The

reason for the overwhelming number of teenager's problems are half not their fault,but there still is

the other half.They immediately look things in one view,one perspective,one-way traffic.This could

maybe be proven in ''What is the 1st thing that comes into your mind when i say '(word)'?''.And

those who got deserted by your friends or get dumped by you boy/girlfriends,don't worry,because

love is always with you.You ask me why?I say,Ain't you gonna thank and love god when you get to

heaven? Or even before that?

Have something to say?Send your letter to haloboyguy@hotmail.com.

Saturday, November 1, 2008
lol /1:46 PM

I just re-started gaming,so I forgot or lazy to update.

Lolx.Nice spam Farah.

My holidays are hectic.


So This is Irfan.I'm Irfan.My name's Irfan.You can call me Irfan.Althou my friends call me Irfan.Alternatively if you don't like it, call me Irfan. In other words,face it,you've got no other choice, IRFAN's the name.


|Aide the 'thing hater'|

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Image: The Young Man and the Sea
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