Monday, September 29, 2008
RAyers tiime /7:28 PM
I haf no time to post much 2dae.Going Out! Ok ddats it bb!
N to all my muslims friends,oni 1 more dae to rayer
n 1 more nite to malam rayer..pssst durh?
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Exam Crisis /7:50 PM
OK peeps, im gonna chiong on hist. oredi. I oredi gt chap 5 covered.They're mostly for section A.So wat u nid for chap 5(YTzen peeps)is to noe de defination of society,social system,hierarchy,social class,caste system,meritocracy,social mobility only. N most probably u nid2 noe y is a social system important.ok tell me y am i saying this? dumb me.N i oni covered abit of chap 7 n 9. still alot rite peeps?So im gonna do de rest n stop studying my 3rd lang since de exam2morw oredi.I tink im dead coz i havent really memorized most of geostuff.All can tink abt is hist,geo,hist,geo. I dun really care abt science oredi.N yay! Man Utd won! Woohoo! Keep up the fancy footwork C.ronaldon stay on form W.rooney! 2-0 Bolton.yay ! i watched it all de way.I'll be behind all de way to the end of the Epl,Champions league,Carling cup,F.A cup! Man Utd !
N...i stumbled upon sumthin i did in Pri sch...bab,faiq or nizam mite rmbr it!
I will always rmbr Yishun Goalbusters guys.Make sure u all oso!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
/6:04 PM
So, I juz came back from buying new lights n padlock nsome food for dinner/bukerr.N oso my bro got a new haircut...BEFORE....
Well, in most pics he has that wide smile showing off his teeth.N, I noe what u all are thinkin' abt....'Are you sure that's NafrIrfaN's bro?''Damn,this guy's a liar.That's not his brother!''Nope, that's surely not his brother...''Is he HaziQizaH's brother from another mother?'Yea, lemme clarify all doubts.From first to last. Yes, that's my bro.Nope, Im not a liar.That IS my brother.Yes,that is surely my brothherr.Dude, my dad only married once ,n that is to my only mother.As a matter of fact,he really does not look like me.He has a much fair(er) skin than me. Psstt,durh!He may look like a chinese apek at the coffeeshop,n I look like a guy frm a malay family..Or as Farah would sae,'The Indon-Extract Boy'. Secondly, his face mostly follow my mother n my older sis.I , follow my dad. Of course wadd, like they sae,Like Father Like Son.So now, I am studying while waiting for my bukerr,or the fast breaker.Nah, mostly like 'Break Fast Time'.And, again, Gd Luck for EOY ppl!!Ppl as in everyone hu i noe. Yea..sry for those dudes hu are strangers to me. OK , so BB =D :-) .
Friday, September 26, 2008
No sch /9:16 PM
so 2dae i didnt go to sch. sick arh.. bt not in de head. Den went to de doctor den go
hme. >>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>
So now im studying for an exam on mon..OMG!
So coverd 8 topics oredi.. Hope i can do well.
Nth much to sae todae. Abit sianz
So again, gd luck my frens!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Jiayous! /8:16 PM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I feel it babe! /7:41 PM
1)Read the following passage closely.Im quite happy nw... my house has been repainted nw... it was dark blue n yellow..
now it is peace n violet. whoohoo! de combo is quite nice..den we oso rearrange
the shelves n stuff.N we're also gonna change the room doors! all coz we're getting
ready for hari rayerr. N dis coming daes, i can oredi feel de Hari Rayer atmosphere
yeah! n oso a sense of victory!! 23 days into the month,23 fast(ses)
juz sad for those hu cannot get the last ten daes.. LIKE MY MOM!! ahhahahaha. So
2dae nth much,again, yeah bt in mt class..wth!! Irfan ,look....irfan,stop looking...
looking at wat? of coz CS's back____.OBSCENE!! Ok peeps, stop being impish*..U all
are.. sumwhat wayward* Ughrhh! N summore de lass* sittin' beside me.....YES
ASMAA I AM TOKING ABT U!......alwaes give any paper that the teacher give to the
back 1st den no xtra 4 me!!! N wat have i done sinful to u!?!? ok mayb i did it once
or dats nt the way to revenge!2)lass- A girl or young woman esp. unmarried woman Impish- befitting an imp;
mischievous Wayward-turned or turning away from what is right or proper a sneakpeek at my new painted walls..(sssry bad quality.. nxt time i use my
mom's fone for the pics =D )
(ignore the ugly de walls were yellow 1/2 n navy blue 1/2)
(My newly arranged ''shelf''! whee!)
Monday, September 22, 2008
DE Al-Arabiyyah exam!! /5:20 PM
I juz came back from bishan n had my arabic oral. Wth !! I so scared until i feel soo
dizzy ! Den when my turn, I walk towards the chair n de teacher sae : ahlan
irfan,massa' ul khairi? ' I was still so nervous n feel like fainting . den i
den de teacher repeated himself.den i listend correctly n reply bck.wahh de reading
easy lahz ,, over in juz 20 secs. Den de conversation part quite bad lah.. he ask me
quite a few questions. But the whole nightmare was over in juz a minute.seriously
juz a minute..den i went bck home!durh! nt eally lahz i went to buy sumthin 1st..
ok bb till 2morw..n juz a few things
thanks: to those who have linked me and kept my tagboard alive
special thanks : to those who do not spam it and use it seriously, nt that seriously lahz dunno hw to sae.. mayb like tagging juz to sae crap? i dunno hungry ,,, abt 1h 30 mins left..
Sunday, September 21, 2008
de pics /9:32 PM
Rmbr i said i wanna put de pic soon? here it is.
Looking for the toilet??Need to use it urgently??Well, go this way!
(Found this at ikea.)
Please buy this bed!
Comes in a complete set.
Boy included in price already.
(at ikea too!)
N.. yeah.. dis is the practical 'test' homec thing..
i n charles made spaghetti.
hahax i nth bttr to do lahz..Revising my arabic nw...2morw got oral exam! OMGIUSH!!
abuse of tagboard /7:45 PM
Ladies and gentlemen , lads and lasses , boys and girls , matts and minahs, husbands
and wives , happy bunnys and emos , sperm and egg , forks and spoons , i dunno
wats becoming of my tagboard. The reminders have not avoided incidents whereby
they go against my words, but instead opened a door to many more of such negatory
acts which are unfavourable and skeptical.And I am posting wih such a emphatic
base to strongly advise bloggers and taggers against these uncalled-for , redundant
and supererogatory actions.I am also posting with serious regards to those who
habitually and perpetually do things which are said not to do so.I am especially
referring to those who find many subjects and things as burlesque and facetious or
as simplified,funny.
Please stop these unjustified and lavish doings.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
mystery no more /10:19 PM
guys sry i didnt post earlier... nw den post coz de whle dae kinda bz..
2dae wake up sooo late. at abt 0830 forward>>>>>>>>>
at c. 9am i on usual c my blog..Den de 'someone' tag again.anw nw i noe its
vicckkyy.playing games wif me huh? anw vicky u gave a big clue to farah lolx..So
then mayreshh come to study hist. Wth lah he i ask him to study geo he dun wan.He
sae no hope liao.Den he oso sae that hist. exam come point though.Bt geo
oso juz de nxt dae! N he oso take friggin' long to come. Oni 1 block away wat! He
take so long as if he live in sembawang! Den we study hist. starting frm chapter 5.
Along the way, he keep going to the toilet. N oso he go n play his dumb fifa street
on his stupid fone. He oso make a mess outta my fone ! so he nt really studying after
all. Den when he go back, i use comp abit for my progress in learning 'unfaithful'.So
at abt 3plus, me , my parents n 2 younger siblings went to ikea at arnd Tampines or
sumthin'.We bot things until $225 chairs , chair cushions,wood stain, n
more! Den i saw sumthin dat is nt rite..later i put de pic kk?
Friday, September 19, 2008
the test /4:48 PM
2dae de weather vry vry hot! n im thirsty..........Waiting to break fast anw... -_-''' >.<''
Thursday, September 18, 2008
slack bt boring /8:17 PM
OK,2dae, nth much oso..(post getting boring huh??) :'( .I oso lazy to post .
Durin english, i heng ar. I didnt bring my compre wrksht n my answers .So i quickly do
evrythin n mark again.I borrow frm jasmine de passage to do de summary.Den Mt,we
nver study,juz plae sum kinda malay 'snap' game. At the 1st rnd, all my team membrs
sae i nt fair coz i take all de cards away. =D . I cant help it though ..lolx// .. Den de
IRRITATING SURVEYS !! The pros,its slacking,can sleep .. The cons,VRY BORING! .
den durin de lessson i called hme and talked to my bro using my disguise.(oni farah n
fatin noes wat is it). bt dis method, ppl will see me as crazy!! So after dismissal, i
went to arafats hse n played his xbox n do my maths...Devil May Cry game rulez n
roxzz!!. den went hme at 1830. my parents oso by den juz came bck frm johor. den
dats it. Nw must do de maths,homec all dese.!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
series of normal events /8:36 PM
oh well, 2dae nth much really.. School starts later 2dae so I also wake up
later.Arnd 0730 den wake up.So eng do compre(again) den MT teacher nver come so
i slack den math 2 hrs !! wat the hell! do mock test den go thru..So after that is
dismissal n i took the bus wif arafat. REached home, i slept until 1530.Go shower n
left for my 3rd lang lorzzz.. 2dae soo soo lazy to post n add in de MI or so called
'joke'... So.. IT ends tonite,,it ends here lahz..
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
nth much /8:23 PM
2dae nt very fun.. quite boring acually larhzz....during MT like so crap
sia....evrybody like
laughing n giggling (ESP. MURNI) bcoz of de teacher..den asmaa call me n den i
looked at her..den
she point behind her..its de damn teacher's back. I noe most of u dont get wat im
saying bt mayb
de ppl in malay class understandss.. crazy sia.when math period ,we check our
answers den vicky
kept tapping n hitting my shoulder...den she tok crap lah make me laugh. She cant
disturbing me . Kept putting staples in my shirt oso!! luckily dats de last period..
when bell ring, I
ran far far away frm her. At last,, FREE!
modified idiom of the dae:
To place a primitive agricultural conveyance at a position anterior to the animal Equus Callabus.
linking done. Music .. nt yet /2:08 PM
woohoo,, at last, last nite can sleep vry well coz wake up nver feel sleepy liddat. I
tot i can go sch wif arafat n get a ride frm his mom's car.turned out he might not be
able 2 cme 2 sch.. I called his hme den he sae he got stomach cramps or wadever
lah..(speaking of dat i dunno whether hes fasting nw onot.) Den i oso cant get a ride
frm my dad coz he working ..nite shift summore. SO,wat else .. i walk to sch
lah.luckily quite breezy n cool. oso saw deadfish or fishdead or wadever u call urself
siyu while walking to sch.Went out at abt 0653 n reach sch at abt 0710. Nt vry tired
lah oni sweating a bit oni. When reach sch i damn happy coz no nid to down 4
assembly as its dark n seems like its gonna rain. So we stay in class n i do math hw de
data collecting thing.i noe gt homec hw bt i dun care to do it lah.1st period PE bt
den its still dark n still seems like its gonna rain so we stayed in class :((((. So no
choice,i cont. my math hw n oso do de bookmark thing. i did on dis book called
'replica the plague trilogy'. de bk quite fun acually.den like so so slack coz , PE,stay
in class..den reccess..den gt go 2 de kitchen den suddenly gt de practical
test or wadever its called!! i nver bring apron summore. So my grp do spagetti n i
saw some other grp do fruit salad,fried rice,macaroni all dis stuff.. make me like
wanna eat seeing dem eat after dey cook. oso must take pic of the dish n develop..
my grp go ask me do sumore. den when i hold de fork n spoon to arrange the
chicken so dat de pic taken wil be nice, de teacher sae i nver fast n sae i gt
menses?!?!?!?!WTH!!!!FUNNY IZZIT!?!?den i bring hme de spagetti in a container..i
didnt bring de container so i had 2 run down all de way to de bkshop to buy.. n nw ,
im waiting for another 4 hrs so dat i can eat my spagetti!! Hist.,Ms Shanta nver
come(yay! lols so badd)so gt relief teacher n oni gif us 3 pgs of hits workbk 2
nxt lesson is geo.. I HAD n HAD n Had 2 pay attention esp. abt de rivers n stuff. so
we copied down valuable notes n i looked at it n i tot 'hw de heck can i memorise all
dis!' so much info to memorise.den after dat is maths lorzhs..dat was like one of the
first time i handed math hw on time went thru math test wrksht n den Mr
Zhuo gif us more practice. I do until q.5 den bell ring oredi.. so i pack up n leave
the class.some ppl chiong do de bkmark coz must hand in by next part
WTH LAH! its like 1330 in the sun is still above ur head n im still
fasting n i haf to walk all de way bck hme!!!(i nver bring wallet dat has my ezlink
card inside) so 20min walk rch hme at abt 1350 liddat lahz...n when walking hme
feel vry vry hungry suddnly..can even feel de gastric juices excreting out even if my
stmach no food.N den i on comp n i guess i dont haf to tell wad i do after dat coz it
is exactly wad im doin rite nw..n in another half an hr i nid go leave for my 3rd lang
at bishan.
Modified idiom of the dae :
To posses ocular receptors in the posterior portion of a cephalic protuberance. =D
Monday, September 15, 2008
2nd post of 2dae /8:25 PM
Ok so i came bk frm 3rd lang.. nt nw lah bt abt 7pm. Abit happy coz when i got bck my
test i got 47.5/50 highest in de class. yea bt wat im really gonna be proud of is my sch
results.So i went back wif aka and he ask me to walk slowly.Y? he wanna wait n stalk
girls of coz, -_-"... n as usual he will always tok abt his cravings. mayb 2morw or
sumthin i'll make a rant on him
SO farah... requested m e t o s p a c e o u t m y w o r d s
N im trying the best i could . Anw, i havent even started on the
situational writing ....sigh.....
N...nisa told me to 'jangan pandang belakang'... BUT I REALLY LOVE PUTTING
2nd modified idiom:
Emenating from a culinery vessel and into a site of pyrogenic activity
constructions in progress... /12:50 PM
ok so 2dae i was searching for a blogskin n i think i choose dis lahrz...if gt any bettr i change lorz den music havent put links..lolz no 1 seen my blog yet except my sis. Den all de abt me stuff oso quite blank lahz...sianz. Evry sch dae i will sae,'WHEN IS THE WEEKEND COMING??!?'den when sat or sun oredi, vry vry bored . bt i really really wanna chiong 4 de OEYs coming up. n ppl,frens,aliens,strangers pls if u see my blog give me ur views oni like 1pm n i oredi feel hungry.n i realy gt nth 2 sae arabic eoy oso coming up..WTH. nw 3rd lang is becoming more n more n more n more harder.n....IM STILL PISSED OFF THAT MAN UTD LOST!!TAKE NOTE:A soccer emoing time is abt 3-5 days.Or maybe until the team win de nxt match.
bt seriously.. i haf no motivation to study at all sia..nt like de strt of de yr. i bet u guys think my post all vry vry random rite?? i juz splat out evrythin' im thinkin abt.. for all ytZens n 3rdLang guys... GD LUCK...n 4 all those dudes whu dont noe NafrIrfaN....he's this guy.. u blieve?
n............b4 i 4get...
Joke of the dae :
You're so ugly if you joined an ugly contest, they'd say 'Sorry, no professionals!'
Labels: study
Sunday, September 14, 2008
/7:43 AM
haiz... wat the hell am i thinking???exams are like juz 2 wks away n i started blogging.. maybe i downloaded sumthin frm Wth..Man Utd juz lost 2-1 to liverpool.!! Bad,bad start guys, u better buck up...hahax.Anw , i dun really noe hw to make dis worthless blog better. mayb must ask sum frens for help lah..all i do until nw is friendster,facebk all dis stuff ... den blog?? i didnt care to cr8...Mayb i search for skins 2morw. Nid 2 study my geo n hist. larhzz..nth to sae..
Joke of de dae:
We all sprang from apes, but you didn’t spring far enough.
Labels: soccer